A country I would like to visit - Again!!

A country I would like to visit could sound a bit freak, but it's the nation i've born: Spain. Yes, I already know Spain, but living somewhere doesn't mean to explore  and to enjoy a place the way you do all those things when you visit it.  This summer I'm finally going back like a tourist, and I'm planning to visit Toledo, a beautifull medieval city next to Madrid, where I'm going to stay - Spain is a very, very old country, and cities like Toledo, in the centre of the country, are dated in the century III before Christ! Another ones more recent I'll visit, like Barcelona and Bilbao, are nortern and important capitals of their  respective regions, and are full of history too. I've  never visited them and I'm super excited!
I would like to live in Spain in the near future, because I miss the food and the beach from there, but at the moment I will take as many photos I can :)


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